Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Friendship Already Looking Bleak...

I'm truly getting the typical J friend treatment as of right now. All of his friends IM him, message him on MySpace, call him... he never gets back to you. Only when it's convenient for him. When his friends stop trying to call him, or communicate in other ways he says "they must not care if they aren't trying to get in touch with me to see how I am." It's funny being on the friend side of things... Now I have a new perspective on his treatment of them. I'm getting the impression he is mostly at fault for the failings of his interpersonal relationships. I mean I knew that before but now it's becoming even more so clear. Oh well... I am doing my part to keeping the very innocently friendly lines of communication open. Eventually I will stop, and just drift away like the rest of his friends and if that ends up happening after a month or so of not talking (if it actually comes to that) I will send him an e-mail or letter describing my opinion on the matter and that will be that, case closed. I may be jumping the gun here right now... it's only been one day since we started talking again, and he has a lot going on with his friend moving in, so he may be busy... but I know J very well and this behavior regardless of what is going on in his life is far too common. Oh well. It's actually helping me move on from him... his blatant disregard for my efforts for friendship is so unattractive and as much as I find him physically attractive I am finding him more and more personally unattractive and that's truly what keeps people in each others lives. His looks will only get him so far. I am going to stand firm with what I told him... "I will put as much effort into our friendship as you are going to." Things are looking pretty bleak right out the gate.

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