Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Finally, Moving On...

It's been a while since my last post. I thought I would update this blog. Not a lot has happened since my llast post but a lot of feelings have transpired. After the whole final blow out with Joe I just decided to do what I set out to do by sending that letter, move on with my life. I wanted to get my focus back on school, my friends, and my life. It was fine moving on because Joe's immature response just solidified my justification for wanting to disband from him. Even though he proved me right it still really bothered me that he now harbored these illogical feelings of hatred for me. I don't like it at all when people are upset with me, and he has no real reason to, even though I'm sure some of his feelings are valid and he has the right to have them. I just wish we could talk things out and at least have our door be closed in a much softer fashion. It was hard to get this qualm off of my mind but then Seth came along out of nowhere. Seth is this really nice guy I met online and we hit it off amazingly well right off the bat. We have been hanging out for the past couple of weeks and it has been really nice. He just reminded me that there are better people out there. Since meeting him I haven't once thought heavily about the whole Joe bullshit and that has been quite a nice reprieve for me! Not only that but strengthening my friendships with Shelley, Fuzzy and Tony have really been great. I love making new friends and developing friendships and it's just been really nice to be let into those peoples lives in such a strong way. I'm bouncing back, and quite quickly. I'm excited for the future, I always have been but now it's a little more uplifting since some more good quality people have entered my life.